Verinorm conducted a study on transgressive behavior in the dance industry. The results and recommendations were presented in May 2023 (Shadow Dancing). In anticipation of this, various parties in the dance sector have joined forces in the Dance Safe Alliance to work together to create a more socially vibrant dance sector.  



A socially safe dance sector is the norm. Transgressive behavior is not acceptable, it has no place in the dance sector. 



To bring the dance sector together, make it more socially safe and thus contribute to connecting and making people happy through dance. 



  • Recognizing the seriousness of the situation: It is important to fully recognize the seriousness of the current situation in the dance sector as shown in the Verinorm report.  
  • A socially safe dance sector: Our goal is to find new ways to improve social safety in the dance sector in addition to the existing steps that are already being taken. We will do this by following up on the recommendations of the “Shadow Dancing” report.


Alliance Partners: 

The following dance sector organizations are affiliated with the Dance Safe Alliance: POS, Nederlandse Danssport Organisatie (NDO), Dancers Council, Nederlandse Breaking League (NBL), Nederlandse Algemene Danssport Bond (NADB), MBO Dans, Kunstenbond, Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Dansleraren (NVD), Dutch Dance Sports, Dansondernemers Nederland, Dansbelang and Cultuurconnectie.